Innovation meets responsibility
A company history like ours not only brings with it a wealth of experience, but also responsibility. Responsibility for a company with a rich tradition, for the region where it has its roots and for the people who make Frenzelit so successful.

Tradition and innovation complement each other perfectly at Frenzelit: Our experience gives us the expertise we need to develop technologies for a successful future.
Family and tradition
As an independent, family-owned company, we value a perspective with foresight that makes our company strong for the future. Quality, reliability and innovative products contribute to high levels of customer satisfaction, which is the basis for longstanding partnerships and growth. This enables Frenzelit to remain rooted as a strong employer in the region.
Sustainable solutions
We take responsibility for the environment with certified processes and measures to ensure sustainable production among other activities.
Technology and innovation
Our wide variety of materials and solutions paired with our employees’ passion for innovation allows us to offer a full spectrum of products with excellent quality. This innovative strength also means we can develop new products or enhance existing ones to meet individual requirements on request. Our on-site production capability enables us to maintain a high level of vertical integration and flexibility. All of this benefits both our project partners and our location.
Technik und Innovation
Dank unserer Vielfalt an Werkstoffen und Lösungen sowie der Innovationsfreude unserer Mitarbeiter können wir eine umfangreiche Bandbreite an Produkten von exzellenter Qualität anbieten. Diese Innovationskraft ermöglicht es uns auch, Produkte wo gewünscht neu- oder weiterzuentwickeln und auf individuelle Bedürfnisse anzupassen. Durch eine Fertigung vor Ort erreichen wir eine große Wertschöpfungstiefe und hohe Flexibilität. All dies kommt unseren Projektpartnern zugute und sichert letztendlich den Standort.
Technology and innovation
Our wide variety of materials and solutions paired with our employees’ passion for innovation allows us to offer a full spectrum of products with excellent quality. This innovative strength also means we can develop new products or enhance existing ones to meet individual requirements on request. Our on-site production capability enables us to maintain a high level of vertical integration and flexibility. All of this benefits both our project partners and our location.

Here’s to a wonderful collaboration!
People and the region
Our employees are always ready to discover new innovations, find the right solutions for even the most unique challenges, improve quality in every area and make a decisive contribution to Frenzelit’s success. This is why we not only support our employees but also countless projects, associations and events in their respective regions to positively impact the quality of life there.